Welcome to The Frontispiece

We're so happy you're here!

After months of development, we are happy to announce the official launch of The Frontispiece, a design agency dedicated to book design and other creative endeavors. You can visit our home page to find out more about what we do, because this blog post is not about all that. This is our chance to say "Thank You." 

We could never have made it this far without help from our family, friends, and mentors. To name a few: we owe thanks to our friends at FG Press, Dane McDonald, Eugene Wan, Dave Heal, Sandy Grason, Brad Feld, and the rest of the team at Foundry Group; to our loving parents, who, for the most part, had no idea that we were starting a business until now; and finally, to our very talented friends, who are too numerous to name, who inspire us every day with their own work and dedication. 

Moving forward, we can't wait to show you what exciting new projects we have in store. We are still in the generative phases of the company, and are excited to see what directions it takes us. The website was launched with several different outlets for creative development, and we will spend the next few months monitoring which areas seem to gain the most traction so that we can hone our model.

The Frontispiece started as an idea to launch our own design agency, but recently we made a decision to crop that scope and focus specifically on book design (though we will be accepting work in other areas as well). This choice was not easy, but it was essential to what we as artists stand for: above most else, we believe in the power and timelessness of tangible artifacts—books, records, and artwork.

Each day, we sit down to work in front of an many different types of screens, but when work is over, it is our pleasure to place a stylus gently into the groove of our favorite vinyl record and crack open a real book. Some call this kind of attitude towards material information "nostalgic," but we like to think of it as "realistic." When the power goes out, we never run out of things to do.

Thank you for visiting us. We hope that you will click through to our store, which features an ever-expanding list of items for sale, and contact us if you would like to begin working with us. Above all, the highest compliment you can give is your reference to anyone you know who is considering a book or design project of any kind. 


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